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VAULT, an innovative SaaS platform from RoamingiQ, is a fully customizable resident management web portal and Wi-Fi authentication service. VAULT automatically onboards residents to the network, configures policies such as bandwidth limits, and allows residents to easily manage their Wi-Fi accounts and passwords. This self-service approach ensures a hassle-free experience for both residents and property managers. VAULT assigns each user a unique Pre-Shared Key, ensuring connections are always secure. Even better, each user’s unique Pre-Shared Key can roam from network to network, working on any network pointed at the VAULT Cloud.  

Additionally, VAULT can integrate with any subscriber management platform (CRM, PMS, etc.), enabling the management of Wi-Fi credentials, the monitoring of data usage, and the streamlining of billing and other integrations. For property owners, VAULT offers the flexibility to onboard, remove, or manage connections across multiple locations, all while applying tailored network policies. The platform also facilitates secure communication with residents, ensuring privacy and security are maintained. Imagine the convenience! A resident relocating within a community portfolio won’t need to worry about reconfiguring their Wi-Fi. With VAULT, service providers and property owners can offer a truly seamless experience across multifamily communities. 

The Best Ruggedized Networking Solution

In today’s net-centric world, our military needs the best equipment for effective communications, ISR, and situational awareness. This is often a challenge, since the harsh environments of an aircraft, ship, or truck are too severe for standard switches and routers. Shock, vibration, temperature, humidity, and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) all come into play in these environments. In order to deliver the most powerful networking capability to the warfighter, networking equipment must be ruggedized.

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Port Density and Speed

The RUCKUS Portfolio typically offers higher port density and speeds than equivalent competing products, at a lower cost.

Open Standards & Protocols 

RUCKUS products operate within the IEEE constructs and support open protocols. In a multi-vendor network, the use of open standards is the best way to provide the most competitive environment and ensure the network is vendor-agnostic.

Redefining the edge

By combining both wired and wireless technologies with one supplier, a cohesive solution is assured while reducing installation time, ensuring compatibility, and enhancing coverage.

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